NILIS International Research Symposium – 2022
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In 1973, the Department of the Library & Information Science was established with the purpose of opening more job opportunities for graduates. Library & Information Centers provide an enormous service for the development of education and the information sector in the country as well as for the improvement of creative and Information Literacy skills among individual citizens. The principal role of this department is to supply human resources to those libraries and information centers attached to government and non – government organizations in Sri Lanka, and abroad. The department has a national as well as international reputation for the quality of its teaching, guiding, and training of students to be the highest professionals through advanced career opportunities. In a recent subject review, the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council (QAAC) of the University Grants Commission awarded 6 A’s, out of a total of 8 quality indicators and this is an indication of the success of the department in terms of the quality of teaching, guiding and the expertise of the staff.
The Sri Lanka Library Association (SLLA) was incorporated by Law No.20 of 1974 of the National State Assembly and amended by act. no. 7 of 2004. The SLLA is a founding and executive member of the Organisation of Professional Associations (OPA) of Sri Lanka. It holds membership of the Regional Federation of South Asian Library Associations (REFSALA), Commonwealth Library Association (COMLA) and the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA). SLLA President is the current chairperson of REFSALA.
Professional qualifications and training obtained through the SLLA are recognised by the Government of Sri Lanka as the basic requirements for entry to careers in library and information science. As SLLA is the only professional body representing all library professionals in Sri Lanka, its professional courses are accepted on par with those of leading international professional associations.
Formation of the organization: On 19th December 1969, a meeting of the teachers of library science attending the Sarada Ranganathan Endowment Lectures was convened by Mr. P. N. Kaula at DRTC with Mr. C. K. Langridge in the chair. This was attended by teachers from several Library schools. Dr. D. B. Krishna Rao asked Mr. P.N. Kaula to give his opening Address stating the purpose of the meeting. Mr. P. N. Kaula described the structure of Library education in the country and the need for having an association of teachers of Library science .He also stated the efforts made in the past and the interest shown by the teachers at the seminar. Dr. D. B. Krishna Rao declared that the Indian Association of Teachers of library science be formed with an ad-hoc committee constituted for this purpose. Mr. Ganesh Bhattacharya proposed a vote of thanks. In the end a Committee was formed with Dr. D. B. Krishna Rao as its Chairman and Mr. P. N. Kaula as the Secretary. Thus was born the Indian Association of the Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS) a national professional organization to further the cause of library education in India. The General Body meeting of IATLIS was held on 21st December 1970 to adopt the draft constitution circulated to members earlier with Mr. P. B. Roy in the chair. The constitution was discussed and adopted unanimously. (Source: Kumar, 1991a)
Dr. Pradeepa Wijetunge
Email: director@nilis.cmb.ac.lk
Telephone: +94 11 250 71 48
Mr Janaka Wipularatna
Senior Assistant Registrar
Email: sar@nilis.cmb.ac.lk
Telephone: +94 11 255 96 46
National Institute of Library & Information Sciences (NILIS)
Colombo 03
Sri Lanka
Telephone: +94 11 250 71 50