Why Assure Quality?

Quality assurance in an educational institution ensures academic excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. It maintains standards in teaching, learning, and assessment, fostering credibility and trust. Effective quality assurance enhances student satisfaction, employability, and institutional reputation, aligning education with industry and societal needs for sustainable growth and global competitiveness.

Center for Quality Assurance, University of Colombo

The Centre for Quality Assurance (CQA) of the University of Colombo is responsible for providing guidance and oversight of quality assurance procedures in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Quality Assurance Commission circular 09/2019. The CQA is guided by the Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of the University Grants Commission, which is directed by the Standing Committee of Quality Assurance of the UGC. This committee serves as an advisory body for promoting quality assurance activities at Sri Lankan state universities.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell, NILIS, University of Colombo

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of NILIS is committed to ensuring that the academic outcomes surpass stakeholder expectations. We represent NILIS at the University of Colombo’s Center for Quality Assurance during monthly and biannual progress reviews, proactively implementing measures to enhance institutional and program quality on a continuous basis.

Professor Ruwan Gamage is the current Coordinator of the NILIS IQAC. If you are a student, teacher, or well-wisher with an idea, complaint, or suggestion, please use the following form to share your input.


The IQAC Team at NILIS comprises the Academic Committee, which oversees quality assurance initiatives. Professor Ruwan Gamage coordinates IQAC functions, ensuring continuous improvement. Each Academic Committee meeting includes a mandatory IQAC agenda item, which reinforces NILIS’s commitment to maintaining and enhancing academic standards.

Dr Prasanna Ranaweera (Chairperson)Acting Director/ NILIS
Prof Ruwan Gamage – Member and Coordinator of the NILIS Academic CommitteeProfessor/ NILS
Mr W Sunil – MemberDirector General/ National Library and Documentation Services Board of Sri Lanka
Mr GP Seneviratne – MemberSr Lecturer/ UCSC, Nominee of BOM
Dr ND Wijayasundera – MemberLibrarian/ University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Nominee of BOM
Dr CC Jayasundara – MemberLibrarian/ University of Kelaniya, Nominee of BOM
Dr W J.Jeyaraj – MemberLibrarian/ Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Nominee of SCOLIS
Mr Nimal Hettiarachchi – MemberLibrarian/ University of Ruhuna, Nominee of SCOLIS
Dr. P. WanigasooriyaHead/ Department of Library & Information Science, University of Kelaniya
Ms N RathnabahuSenior Lecturer/ Department of Library & Information Science, University of Kelaniya, Nominee of SLLA
Mr UP Alahakoon – MemberSenior Assistant Librarian/ NILIS