Help us build a resource base for LIS learners

The wisdom of crowds can be used to solve a problem better than individuals trying to act alone.

Crowd learning involves utilizing the knowledge and expertise of people to address immediate problems. The immediate problem we are going to address is the loss of time to learn due to the new Corona Virus outbreak in Sri Lanka. Students have been kept away from Universities and other learning centers. Even after reopening, there will be a tough time meeting with schedules and deadlines.

Here our focus is information literacy in general, and Library and Information Science (LIS) education in specific. The resource base we collectively build would be open to anybody.

What are we trying to achieve?

We want to create a video/audio/slide archive and an online learning platform with the existing learning materials in English, Sinhala, and Tamil. 

We want to build it in an organized way. Therefore, we use the existing structure of syllabi of educational institutions in Sri Lanka including NILIS, at Certificate, Diploma, Postgraduate Diploma, and Master levels (without specific course names). The ‘Crowd’ can use this structure and propose materials freely available, or materials you have prepared by yourself.

Who is the crowd?

Library professionals and teachers currently teaching library and information sciences (and related subjects such as information management, information technology) in Sri Lanka and abroad are considered the Reource Crowd.

Students learning Library and Information Sciences and other relevant subjects in specific, and generally, everyone interested in learning from all over the world is regarded as the Beneficiary Crowd.

The appeal

We appeal to all LIS professionals and teachers to contribute to achieving the need of the hour by proposing learning materials. Please share the materials you have created such as notes and PowerPoint presentations. Also, you may know or find suitable material such as articles, and videos on the Web. In addition, we appreciate it if you may create a few audio lectures or short talks that would be useful for students. We need materials in Sinhala, Tamil, and English.

Make sure that you propose individual and focussed content, not just databases or collections of resources. 

Criteria for selection of materials.

1. The full content should be free to access.
2. No inappropriate content.
3. Content is accurate and unbiased to your knowledge.
4. Appropriate to the suggested course level (See the list of course levels)
5. Relevant to the topic in the syllabus (see the list of topics).
6. It is not necessary to be theoretical. Even practical applications of the theory are sufficient and appropriate.


The materials you send us or propose will be sent for peer review, as in journal articles reviewing. The sender/proposer will be acknowledged with the respective selected material at the time of the presentation. A reviewer list will also be displayed.


Crowd learning would be enabled through a Moodle Learning Management System instance outside NILIS. Links to external sources will be accessible through the portal without hosting locally. All locally hosted materials are expected to be archived for perpetual access. Every attempt will be taken to enable multi-party feedback and discussion.

The exact location of the resource collection will be announced once it is established. 

Terms of use and liability

We hope the resources we collect and the links we display would be useful as additional reading material, and would not replace any learning content used in the actual classroom settings. The resources added by the ‘resource crowd’ will be owned by respective copright holders. We provide content after a brief review. However, we do not guarantee the quality of the materials, and would not be responsible for any repercussions arising due to the use of such materials. This is only done as a voluntary service, to achieve the current need.

How to send/propose materials?

Please use the feedback form available below.